Interaction design
IRIS: a chatbot for scientific education
Created in 1991, the Science Festival is organized in France each year by the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation to allow everyone to discover the world of science and meet the women and men who do today's science.
I designed the chatbot "IRIS" to welcome and guide visitors of the Supergrid Insitute during this exciting week.
Purpose of the project:
The IRIS conversational agent is a decision tree bot, offering predefined answers to the user and collecting data.
This chat-bot allows visitors of the institute to prepare their visit by answering questions and registering for school activities, as well as accompanying them during their during the visit of the exhibition. A quiz makes the visit interactive and extends the visitor's experience. The user can also give his opinion on his visit thanks to IRIS.
For which audience?
This chatbot is aimed in particular at to a public of high school or engineering school students, whose age is between 15 and 25 years old.
The choice of a female character responds to a desire to promote the representation of women in the field of science, so IRIS is the acronym of : Interface de RĂ©ponse Intuitive du Supergrid (in French).
Her personality is meant to be mischievous, with notes of humor to lighten the institutional discourse of the site of the establishment; also codes of the interpersonal communication such as the emojis increase the verisimilitude of the discourse, making it warmer and more in phase with a with a young audience. IRIS is thus thought as a guide which prolongs the approach of scientific popularization by bringing a complement of information to the autonomous visitor.